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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main Positions:Professor

Research Grants

"Stable Isotope Study of Non-Volatile and Volatile Elements in Chang'e 6 Lunar Soil". Core member of the research team: Approved 17.6 milligrams of Chang'e 6 samples (Sample code: CE6C0000YJYX058)

External Technology Collaboration Research Project (Aerospace) "Metal Stable Isotope Research of Chang'e Mission Sample Return". Research Core Member (2025-2027)

CSC Innovative Talent Program "International Cooperation and Exchange in Earth and Planetary Sciences". Core Member of the Team (2025-2027)

The National Key R&D Program Young Scientist Project titled "Evolution of Mars Habitability and Search for Traces of Life", co-PI (2025-2029).

Funded by National Natural Science Fund for Overseas High-Level Talent Introduction Program Youth Project (Overseas) (2023-2025): "Planetary Accretion and Habitability Evolution: An Isotopic Perspective" (approximately 136,664 USD)

Startup grant from University of Science and Technology of China (2023-2025) (approximately 546,657 USD)

General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (2024-2027): "Redox histories of terrestrial planetary bodies constrained by titanium stable isotopes" (approximately 68,332 USD)