

- The Impact of Authoritarian Leadership on Employee Creativity: The Joint Moderating Roles of Benevolent Leadership and Power Distance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2022, 37(6): 527-544..2022
- 领导促进焦点对团队双元创新的影响机制: 一个被调节的中介模型. 技术经济, 2022, 41(6): 70-81.2022
- To drink or not to drink; that is the question! Antecedents and consequences of employee business drinking. Asia Pacific Journal of Management , 2022 , 39(1): 343-363..2022
- 博士生压力源与科研绩效的关系研究, 高教探索, 2021, (7): 40-46.2021
- Can high leader-member exchange spark low creativity among graduate students? The role of stress and personal initiative. Current Psychology, 2021, 40(9): 4488-4499..2021
- From CEO passion to exploratory and exploitative innovation: the moderating roles of market and technological turbulence, Management Decision, 2021, 59(6): 1363-1385.2021
- Explaining local residents’acceptance of rebuilding nuclear power plants: The roles of perceived general benefit and perceived local benefit, Energy Policy, 2020, 140111410.2020
- Environmental beliefs and public acceptance of nuclear energy in China: A moderated mediation analysis, Energy Policy, 2020, 137111141.2020
- Perspective taking, energy policy involvement, and public acceptance of nuclear energy: Evidence from China, Energy Policy, 2020, 145(0): 111716-111716.2020
- 双向开放式创新如何提升新产品市场绩效——基于资源基础理论, 大连理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2020, 41(1): 47-55.2020
- Differential promotive voice—prohibitive voice relationships with employee performance: power distance orientation as a moderator, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2019, 36(4): 1053-1077.2019
- Quality management practices and inter-organizational project performance: Moderating effect of governance mechanisms, International Journal of Project Management, 2019, 37(6): 855-869.2019
- Cultural Intelligence and Employees’Creative Performance: The Moderating Role of Team Conflict in Inter-organizational Teams, Journal of Management & Organization, 2019, 25(1): 96-116.2019
- 创业自我效能与机会识别:创业教育的调节效应分析, 科技管理研究, 2018, 38(12): 210-216.2018
- Can curriculum help career success? An empirical research on the perceived employability of students, Higher Education Research & Development, 2018, 37(5): 966-983.2018